
War thunder steam
War thunder steam

war thunder steam

The player's chosen nation does not affect what enemies they may come across they may fight the very same vehicle they are playing. Markers are on at almost all times, showing players where enemies are. Most vehicles receive extra engine power, and tanks have higher turret traverse rates. This is not an exhaustive description of each game mode, and there are many details unique to each game mode.Īrcade battles (aka "arcade" or "AB") is a fast-paced game mode with many player aides to ease gameplay. " king of the hill"), or completely capturing enemy points (i.e. In ground and naval battles, the primary objective is usually either capturing and holding strategic points (i.e. If there are no players left on a team, that team will immediately lose. The game features three game modes, all of which game modes start both teams with a number of "tickets", and certain actions reduce the enemy teams' tickets until one team has none left. A single player mode is also available that focuses on historical battles, and also a cooperative mode for battling AI ground vehicles and aircraft. Aviation is divided between fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, and Fleet is divided between " Bluewater" and " Coastal", where Bluewater represents ships from the size of destroyers to battleships and battlecruisers, while Coastal focuses on smaller ships such as motor torpedo boats, motor gunboats, subchasers, and frigates. Vehicles are divided into three main categories: Aviation, Ground, and Fleet, while game modes are divided between Arcade, Realistic, and Simulator. The game also incorporates smaller nations within nations like Finland, South Africa, and Portugal. Players can control aircraft, ground vehicles, and warships from the United States, Germany, Russia, Britain, France, and Japan, as well as nations with smaller militaries or less prominence in conflicts, such as Italy, China, Sweden and Israel. Vehicles range from pre- World War I naval vessels, from the interwar period and the Spanish Civil War for tanks and aircraft, to the Iraq War and beyond, with an emphasis on World War II as well as an emphasis on the Vietnam War and the Cold War.

war thunder steam war thunder steam

According to the game's creative director Kirill Yudintsev, it is the only game that encompasses all three of these experiences in one gameplay session. War Thunder is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea. In 2019, War Thunder was among the most played games on Steam with over 25,000 concurrent players.

war thunder steam

War Thunder won several awards following its release, winning Best Simulation Game at the Gamescom 2013 Awards as well as winning Best Game, Best Developer, Best Technology and Best Sound at the KRI 2013 Awards. Initially, Gaijin claimed after the game was announced that it was an April Fools joke before confirming its existence in June that same year.


It has a cross-platform format for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and Shield Android TV.ĭeveloped as a " flying simulation game", it was previously named World of Planes but due to its similarity with Wargaming's World of Warplanes it was changed to its present name in 2012. Announced in 2011, it was first released in November 2012 as an open beta with a worldwide release in January 2013 it had its official release on 21 December 2016. War Thunder is a free-to-play vehicular combat multiplayer video game developed and published by Gaijin Entertainment.


Action, vehicular combat, combat flight simulator

War thunder steam